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Diploma Course in Family Focused Practice using applied Systemic Theory 



This intermediate course is accredited by the Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice (AFT).


The course is one academic year in duration and together with the foundation year offers a pathway for progression to the clinical training leading to qualification as a family and systemic psychotherapist.


Rationale for the Course

Practitioners working in the fields of health education and social care - in a society diverse in culture, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation - necessarily have to interact in a range of relationships with others who might have different beliefs and value systems from their own. In their professional roles as social worker, nurse, youth worker, psychologist, nursery nurse, teacher’s assistant etc, they will be expected to intervene as advocates, decision-makers or treatment providers in cases where there are allegations of physical, sexual, emotional and racial abuse, domestic violence, self-harm, family relationship breakdown, divorce, separation, issues pertaining to fostering and adoption, safe guarding, multi-agency working and other related and critical concerns to be addressed.


Systemic thinking and many of the techniques and skills taught within this approach offer practitioners the tools and resources that can provide them with ways of acting in the many complex situations involving people in communication with one another.


Linking theory with practice, the development of self-reflexivity and the fostering of a sense of professional identity are key aspects of the training on this course which aims to provide students with opportunities to connect their learning with their own work situation.

Not quite sure if this is the course for you? Why don't you come along to one of our Info share sessions which will take place in early 2021. Email us and we will notify you as soon as dates are announced


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Entry Requirements

Students wishing to undertake this course should have completed a foundation year or equivalent or they may apply to be considered via the A.P.E.L route. 



The course fee is: £2900. It can be paid in full or by installment although this will incur an additional administration charge.

AFT accredited course

© Chiron Training Limited 2024

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Association for family therapy & systemic practice logo
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